Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Body Parts Project- Collagraph Prints

Imagery developed from sketchbook photomontage studies, exploring shape and surface, experimenting printing on different grounds. 

Sketchbook Work

Experimental portrait ideas using my own photographs. Collage and montage was introduced to explore positive and negative shapes, also working with found imagery. These became the starting point for the drawings shown, where I was looking at line and shape.  


This is a continuation from the portrait studies using templates of selected shapes to create these pieces. I was interested in the subtlety of surface with small photographic elements quietly placed. I like the inclusion of the linear tracings. These shapes became the outline shape for my collagraph plate.

Made Bodyparts

This is a series of experimental 2D and 3D drawings. The 3D pieces came first, using specified processes such as wrapping and binding with carefully selected materials, to make a series of constructed pieces. The photos show the constructed pieces arranged as body like structures and compositions of component parts. I interpreted these pieces using non traditional drawing processes, incorporating stitch.

Mixed Media Drawings

Experimental observational drawings. The first two from some simple constructed body like pieces. The second two using timed drawing and sometimes blind drawing. I feel that drawing is an important tool in the development of my ideas and I really enjoy using mixed media processes.

Fabric Manipulation Samples

An experiment using the heat press. I found that the collaged and layered effect you can achieve using the heat press captured the quality of some of my drawings. The second image is a stitch sample trying to find different ways of connecting fabrics together. At the moment alot of my work is paper based but I am hoping to start printing on to fabrics more in my current project.

Mixed Media Compositions

These are some experimental compositions using a variety of different media. I particularly enjoyed drawing with the thread and liked the couched effect using the masking tape. I also trapped brusho between the paper and tracing paper, I loved how this looked liked veins. Materials are a big part of my creative process my experiements generate lots of ideas. I like to work in series to try out different variations and combinations of materials, shapes and surfaces.

Still lives: paint, collage paper, ink, pen, bleach

Potential composition drawn from sketchbook work. Ink, card, vylene